
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Keep It Simple, Stupid!

What does God want from you and me? Why are we here? What should we be doing with our lives? This week we’ll conclude our “Journeying With Jesus” series by looking at two critical parting instructions Jesus gave us at the end of his earthly ministry. If you wanna simplify your life and refocus on […]

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There is a major experience in life that every ne of us eventually faces, but nobody ever talks about, especially in church. It’s taboo. But this Sunday we’re gonna talk about it – and let Jesus be our guide for how to approach it.

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Pushed To The Limit

Life is constantly testing us in ways large and small.  When the going gets really tough, how well do you do?  This week we’re going to study the trial of Jesus and learn from him several powerful ways to respond when life pushes us to the limits.

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Religion Gone Bad

According to Jesus, lots of devout religious people have lost their way, even while they think they’re in the center of God’s will. How ‘bout us? How would we know if we lost our way spiritually? What are the signs of religion gone bad? This week we’ll study a passage of Scripture where Jesus lays […]

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We all want it, but few have it – at least for very long. As a wise man once said, “I can’t get no satisfaction.” As another wise soul once said, “Vanity of vanities – all is vanity!” And that’s how life often feels. But we don’t have to get stuck there. This week we’ll […]

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The Problem With People

Getting along with the people around us – at home, at work, at church, within our extended family, and among our friends – is one of life’s greatest challenges. Putting up with people ain’t easy – especially when they keep disappointing us over and over. This week we’ll look at two brilliant pieces of advice […]

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Have you ever found yourself in the water in crisis, afraid you might drown? Life is often like that – times when waves of adversity threaten to overwhelm us. This Sunday we’ll explore a Gospel story that offers powerful insight for times we feel like we’re drowning.

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“Why am I here?” It’s one of the most basic of all questions. “I mean, really, what am I supposed to be doing with my life!?”This week we’ll explore how Jesus suggests we answer that question, as we continue our sermon series “Journeying With Jesus.”

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Power Surge

Jesus taught that faith unleashes the power of God in our lives. But why? And how? This Sunday we’ll look at a Gospel passage that grapples with those two vital questions and traces three key steps for unleashing the power of faith. Don’t let a little bit of race traffic on the west side of […]

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The Key To Serenity

Imagine being able to live a life that floats above circumstances, cultivating a happiness deep enough to anchor you in good times and bad.  This week we’ll look at a passage where Jesus tells us how to do that – as we launch a new sermon series, “Journeying With Jesus.”

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Three Killer Attitudes

This Sunday, we’ll wrap up our sermon series on “Mastering Your Mind” by exploring three killer attitudes that anyone of us can slip into if we’re not careful.  With each killer attitude, we’ll talk about how to replace it with its positive opposite.   Don’t let life beat you up!  Power up on Sunday morning!

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The Problem With Positive Thinking

These days everybody’s talking about “the power of positive thinking.”  But not so fast!  Did you know that “positive thinking” has some serious pitfalls.  This week, we’ll look at both Scriptures and psychological studies that challenge us to take a modified approach that promises to yield much better results!  Join us Sunday, as we resume our sermon […]

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