
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

The Key To Serenity

Imagine being able to live a life that floats above circumstances, cultivating a happiness deep enough to anchor you in good times and bad.  This week we’ll look at a passage where Jesus tells us how to do that – as we launch a new sermon series, “Journeying With Jesus.”

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Three Killer Attitudes

This Sunday, we’ll wrap up our sermon series on “Mastering Your Mind” by exploring three killer attitudes that anyone of us can slip into if we’re not careful.  With each killer attitude, we’ll talk about how to replace it with its positive opposite.   Don’t let life beat you up!  Power up on Sunday morning!

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The Problem With Positive Thinking

These days everybody’s talking about “the power of positive thinking.”  But not so fast!  Did you know that “positive thinking” has some serious pitfalls.  This week, we’ll look at both Scriptures and psychological studies that challenge us to take a modified approach that promises to yield much better results!  Join us Sunday, as we resume our sermon […]

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Harnessing The Power Of My Brain

For the past two weeks, we’ve talked about the power of our brains to shape our lives for better or worse.  We’ve talked about the biology of the brain.  We’ve talked about “negative strongholds of the mind” that drag us down.  This week, we’re going to talk about three positive practical strategies for tearing down […]

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You know what it is, right?  We can all name something, maybe several things.  It’s so easy to develop entrenched negative thought patterns that constantly undermine us.  So we’re ushering in the New Year with a sermon series called “Mastering Your Mind.”  Join us to discover powerful, positive spiritual principles that can free your mind […]

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Positioning Myself For Success in 2015

This Sunday we will launch into a new sermon series called “Mastering Your Mind.”  We’ll look at some fascinating scientific research that confirms what the Bible teaches about how we can best equip our brains to respond to life in deeply spiritual ways.  Did you know that there are certain key things you can do right […]

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