
What Made Jesus Cry?

You learn a lot about a person when you discover what makes them cry.  There is only one instance in the Gospels where we’re told that Jesus cried.  Even if you know the story well, odds are you don’t know the real reason Jesus’ broke down into tears.  Join us on Sunday to learn why […]

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What Made Jesus Laugh?

As we continue our quest to experience Jesus at a deeper level, this Sunday we’ll explore the single happiest moment in Jesus’ life recorded in the Gospels.  What was it that made Jesus so happy?  Join us Sunday to find out!  Remember to spring your clock forward one hour on Saturday night!

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What Made Jesus Angry?

You can tell a lot about a person by what makes them angry.  So this week we’ll explore the two times in the Gospels when Jesus really blew his stack.  What was it that made him so upset?  Join us as we continue our sermon series “Experiencing Jesus at a Deeper Level.”

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Jesus’ Core Perspective

How would you describe your core perspective on life if you had to reduce it to a single sentence?  Suppose we were to ask the same question about Jesus – what was his core perspective? – then compare it to our own.  That’s what we’re going to do on Sunday, as we continue our sermon […]

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Jesus’s Mentor

Do you have a mentor?  If so, you know how much they’ve shaped who you are.  Did you know that Jesus had a mentor?  This Sunday we’ll explore who that was and the impact they had on Jesus, as we continue our new sermon series, “Experiencing Jesus on a Deeper Level.”

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Jesus – The Backstory

This Sunday we launch a new sermon series called “Experiencing Jesus on a Deeper Level.”  In the first sermon in this series, we’re going to explore three stories about Jesus you’ve probably never heard before, even if you’ve been in church your whole life.  You will be moved and inspired.  Don’t miss the experience.

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The Voices In My Head

Does your brain ever get stuck in negative feedback loops?  Is there a recurring negative thought that bedevils you?  You don’t have to stand for it.  This week we conclude our “Getting Myself Together” sermon series by studying a passage of Scripture that tells us how to destroy negative thought patterns.

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The Things We Do To Our Body

Virtually all of us want to take better care of our bodies.  But let’s be honest; making healthy change is really hard.  This Sunday we’re going to look at what the Bible has to say about that.  No sugar coating.  No pretending it’s easier than it is.  But some thoughtful ideas that just might help.

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Financial Peace

Got any financial stress?  Ever wonder why you work hard, earn a paycheck, but there never seems to be enough?  Are finances a source of frustration in your life?  This Sunday we continue our sermon series called “Getting Myself Together” by take a look at four bedrock Biblical principles that can help us find financial […]

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Building Stronger Relationships

On Sunday we’ll continue our New Year sermon series called “Getting Myself Together.”  This Sunday we’ll reflect on the quality of our relationships with others (spouses, parents, children, siblings, friends and coworkers), benchmarking ourselves against four core relationship principles found in the Bible, considering where we have room to grow.  If you value the relationships […]

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Designing Women – and Men

Does your life feel like it’s a bit out of control?  Do you struggle with things like relationships, finances, body care, mental blocks, and lack of spiritual focus?  Does it seem like you’re constantly reacting to circumstances, rather than shaping them?  This Sunday we’ll explore a practical way to take charge of our lives that […]

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