This Sunday we’ll take a deep dive into one of the most famous passages in all of Scripture – Psalm 23 – discovering powerful, practical wisdom for surviving and thriving in this crazy, mixed-up world.
Have you ever messed something up so bad that you feel like throwing your hands up and quitting? Do you ever get so down on yourself you wonder how God could use you for anything, let alone something really important? If so, Sunday’s sermon is for you. Come and be encouraged.
It’s always fun to look at before-and-after pictures. Suppose we could take a picture of your life before you met Christ and after. Would we see a big difference? This Sunday we’ll explore several wonderful ways the grace of Christ calls us to re-imagine our lives.
This week we will explore the single most important concept for us to understand if we’re going to be followers of Jesus. The explosive power of Jesus’ message comes from this core concept. Do you know what it is? Have you internalized it? Are you living it? Sermon Video Reference
Last week we talked a bit about finding God’s will in our lives. This week we’ll take that conversation deeper, exploring a powerful spiritual principle embedded in an obscure Old Testament story. Our attention was drawn to this story by a dream God gave to someone in our congregation. For some reason, God wants us […]
This week we’ll wrap up our sermon series on Brené Brown’s book “The Gifts of Imperfection” by exploring Guidepost 9 for wholehearted living: cultivating meaningful work. . . . by letting go of self-doubt and “supposed to.” How confident are you that you’re doing what you were meant to in life? Join us on Sunday […]
There’s nothing more scarce in our modern world than stillness. Life sweeps us along in a storm of sound and fury. We get so busy, we sometimes don’t even know who we are – and might even be afraid to get to know who we are. This week we’ll explore Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 8 […]
Are you frazzled? Stretched too thin? Does it feel like your life is out-of-balance? If so, Jesus has something to say to you. Join us on Sunday as we tackle Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 6 for wholehearted living: cultivating play and rest . . . by letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and […]
To believe in God, how much do you need to know? To discern God’s will for your life, how much do you need to know? On Sunday, we’ll wrestle with these important questions, as we continue our sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection. This week is Guidepost No. 5 – Cultivating Intuition […]
This week we continue our sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection by exploring Guidepost No. 4 – Cultivating joy and gratitude . . . by letting go of fear. We’ll learn about the single most important thing – according to Brown’s research and the Bible – that anyone can do to cultivate a “good […]
This week we continue our sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection by exploring Guidepost No. 3 – Cultivating a resilient spirit . . . by letting go of powerlessness. We’ll study three key spiritual principles that can help us respond to adversity with much greater power.
This week we continue our new sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection. Last week we explored Guidepost No. 1 – Cultivating Authenticity . . . by letting go of what people think. This week is Guidepost No. 2 – Cultivating Self-Compassion . . by letting go of perfectionism. If you ever struggle […]