
Your Creation Blueprint

This Sunday we continue our new sermon series in which we’re taking several Old Testament prophecies and applying them as if they were spoken directly to us and for us – because they were!  This week we’ll study a prophecy that tells you how to know what God wants you to do with your life.  […]

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What Should Have Been

When we face hard times, it’s easy to get stuck wishing we could go back to a “better” time.  It’s easy to nurse regrets.  To ask, “What if?”  To ruminate over “what should have been.”  This week we launch a new sermon series called “Ancient Bible Prophecies: Could They Foretell Your Future?”  Each week we’ll […]

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Chain-Reaction Miracle!

If Easter is simply a story about something incredible that happened 2,000 years ago, it feels a bit irrelevant, frankly.  But what if it’s not?  What if the miracle that began on the first Easter is still playing out in our world today – and we can experience it and share it right where we […]

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The Last Straw

Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, culminating in Good Friday and Easter.  This Sunday we’ll study the Gospel story that most scholars believe was the proverbial “straw that broke the camel’s back” – one last, great, daring act by Jesus that sealed his fate on the cross. 

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The Greatest Provocation

We’re getting closer and closer to Easter, counting down the days to Jesus’ death.  As we do so, we’ll continue unraveling the murder mystery surrounding Jesus’ death, exploring clues left behind in the Gospel record.  This week we will explore Jesus’ greatest provocation – an idea so heretical, the religious establishment had no choice but […]

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This Sunday we continue our journey to the cross by looking at yet another Gospel passage that resulted in yet another death threat against Jesus.  This week we will focus on a passage where Jesus launched a frontal assault on how religion often uses rules as an instrument of control.  Each one of us will […]

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Who Are “My People”?

Did you know that at the very beginning of his public ministry, Jesus did something so controversial, the people of his own hometown almost threw him off a cliff?  What did he do that was so provocative, and what does it teach us about what it means for us to be like him?  Join us […]

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Clash Of Kingdoms

This Sunday we launch a new sermon series leading up to Easter called “Journey To The Cross.”  Each week we’ll study a different Gospel passage that offers important clues as to why Jesus was killed – then consider the implications for how we should live our lives today as followers of Jesus.  Join us for […]

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How To Win The War We’re In

Do you ever feel like you’re under attack?  Like the challenges of life are so overwhelming you feel like you’re in a war and at risk of being swept away?  This Sunday we’ll conclude our sermon series in the New Testament book of Ephesians by looking at an insightful formula for winning the war that […]

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Quality Lifetime Relationships

This Sunday, we resume our study of the New Testament book of Ephesians by tackling a passage that will help us grow our capacity to sustain beautiful lifetime relationships – with spouses, children, parents, siblings, and friends.  We’ll focus on two core principles that have the power to make all the difference.

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This week Pastor Jeff will share the annual “state of the church” sermon.  We’ll look at some wonderful things that happened last year and some hard things.  And for perspective, we’ll look at a Gospel passage where Jesus shares a vital insight that we all need – not just as a church community, but individually […]

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Destiny’s Child

Did you know that God has endowed you with a certain spiritual genius that you are meant to share with the world?  Do you know how to unleash that potential?  Join us on Sunday as we study a passage that tells us how – Ephesians 4.

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