
Life is constantly challenging us to the core of our being.  We experience weakness, despair, darkness, and trouble all around.  Sometimes the journey can feel pretty grim.  What then?  How do we, as people of faith, find joy, hope, and strength when the world around us presses against us?  This Sunday we’ll explore a Bible […]

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Speaking Life To Dry Places

In this fall season, everywhere we look we see dried up leaves fallen to the ground.  Are there places in your personal life that feel like dried up leaves.  The Biblical term for that feeling is “dry bones.”  This Sunday we’ll study a passage of scripture that tells us how to stir up those dry-bone […]

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Built For This!

Here are two of life’s most important question.  Why am I here?  What’s my purpose?  Those are the questions we’ll tackle this Sunday, as we take a deep dive into a passage of Scripture that gives us an amazing, beautiful answer.

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Living Outside of Ourselves

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between those who go to heaven and those who don’t?  This week we’ll study a fascinating parable of Jesus that goes right to the heart of the matter.  It turns out, it’s a whole lot simpler and more subtle than you may have been told. Let’s focus […]

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Be Prayerful

This Sunday we wrap up our intensive study of The Lord's Prayer.  In that prayer, Jesus identifies THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT THINGS we can ever pray.   This week we’ll focus on the fourth prayer -- "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."  That way of praying seems counterintuitive.  Does God ever "lead […]

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Leaving It In God’s Hands

You've heard people say it before, "Just leave it in God's hands."  But that's easier said than done.  This Sunday we'll grapple with how we can do better at genuinely leaving our fears and worries in God's hands.  Sunday's service will also include extra special music as we celebrate Black History Month.  Don't miss this […]

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While We Are Waiting On Jesus

The season of waiting for Jesus' birth (Advent) begins this Sunday.  Advent reminds us that we too in our time are waiting for Jesus, i.e., his Second Coming.  So this Sunday we'll talk about what it means to wait for Jesus and how we can prepare ourselves for his coming.  On Sunday you'll get to hear […]

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