
Prayer is puzzling subject.  How does it work?  Am I doing it right?  What should I say?  Why are some prayers answered and not others?  Over the next three weeks, we’re going to do a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer – to see what we can learn from it.  […]

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Everyday Saints

This Sunday, November 1st, is All Saints Day.  We’ll wrap up our sermon series on saints by celebrating everyday saints that we encounter in our own lives.  We’ll explore the common traits that most saintly people share and, in the process, learn how we can come closer to living into their example.

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How to Think About God

Scholars tell us that one of Jesus’ core teachings about God was so revolutionary it “seemed disrespectful, indeed unthinkable, to the sensibilities of Jesus’ contemporaries.” (Source: Joachim Jeremias, New Testament Theology.)  This Sunday we’ll explore that revolutionary aspect of Jesus’ teachings and how it can transform the way we feel about life and God.

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