
Life is constantly challenging us to the core of our being.  We experience weakness, despair, darkness, and trouble all around.  Sometimes the journey can feel pretty grim.  What then?  How do we, as people of faith, find joy, hope, and strength when the world around us presses against us?  This Sunday we’ll explore a Bible […]

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The Meaning of Time

The Sunday we’ll dig deep into a famous Bible verse about God being the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the one who was, and is, and is to come.  As we do so, we’ll wrestle with: (a) what it means to say that God exists outside of time, and (b) what it means […]

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Walking On Water

As we continue our sermon series about how to live by faith, this Sunday we’ll dig into the wonderful insights found in one of the most famous Gospel stories – the story where the disciples are trapped in a life-threatening storm at sea and Peter attempts to walk on water.  Embedded in this story are […]

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God’s Plan For My Life

We often find ourselves wondering, “What is God’s plan for my life?” – and the answer often alludes us, which is enormously frustrating because if God has a plan for us, we want to know it.  So that’s what we’re going to talk about this Sunday, as we come to the fourth installment in our […]

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The Problem of Fear

What are you most afraid of?  What causes the most fear in your life?  Fear is one of the biggest barriers to living a life that’s full and free.  So how do we overcome fear?  How do we become courageous people?  Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as we explore the intersection […]

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This Body of Mine

How well are you doing taking care of your health?  I know, I know, most of us don’t want to think about it.  Most of us feel a real tension between the challenge to caring for our bodies and the desire to enjoy life fully.  Should I eat that luscious piece of chocolate cheese cake […]

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The Journey

Life is mysterious.  We feel compelled to try to figure it out.  Why am I here?  Where am I going?  Why is this happening to me?  This week we’ll seek some answers in the story of the turbulent life of Jacob, as recorded in the book of Genesis.

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Lessons from Science for Faith

On Sunday Pastor Jeff will wrap up our Faith & Science sermon series inspired by Dr. Francis Collins’ best-selling book “The Language of God.”  This week we’ll explore how a Gospel story, coupled with two powerful experiences from Dr. Collins’ life in science, can help us find God’s will in our life.  If you want […]

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The Hero’s Journey

This week we’ll begin a brief, three-week sermon series about the Jewish High Holy Days.  Our focus on Sunday will be Rosh ha-Shana, the Jewish New Year – which Jews around the world will be celebrating on Sunday!  As we explore the meaning of Rosh ha-Shana, each of us will be challenged to examine how […]

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Shelly’s Voice

Shelly Fitzgerald was serving faithfully as a Guidance Counselor at Roncalli Catholic High School when, out of the blue, she was attacked for marrying a woman, terminated, and thrust into a national spotlight.  She has responded by becoming a bold public advocate for change in the Church and beyond.  This Sunday, Shelly will share some […]

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The Circle of Life

Fear plays a big part in our lives – fear of living and fear of dying.  This Sunday we’ll explore an epic Old Testament Scripture that invites us to develop a more confident, hopeful view of both life and death.  Join us to learn something important about yourself and about God.

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Sunday morning we’ll celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with rousing music, a drama segment, and a sermon about how the message of Easter, when internalized, transforms our entire approach to life and make us incredibly powerful people.  Are you living into your Easter potential?  Join us Sunday to find out.

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