
Who Killed Jesus? Suspect #2

Have you ever been disappointed in God?  On Sunday we continue a new sermon series exploring who bears ultimate responsibility for the death of Jesus.  This week we’ll look at Suspect #2 – Judas Iscariot.  Judas’ story is fascinating and teaches us a VERY important lesson about how we should (and shouldn’t) react when we […]

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The Gift Of Anger

That title may surprise you.  Most of us have been taught that anger is a sin that should be denied and suppressed, but actually the Bible offers us a much healthier way of understanding and managing our anger.  Join us on Sunday for a revolutionary look at how God can use anger to make our […]

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What Made Jesus Cry?

You learn a lot about a person when you discover what makes them cry.  There is only one instance in the Gospels where we’re told that Jesus cried.  Even if you know the story well, odds are you don’t know the real reason Jesus’ broke down into tears.  Join us on Sunday to learn why […]

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