Life is constantly challenging us to the core of our being. We experience weakness, despair, darkness, and trouble all around. Sometimes the journey can feel pretty grim. What then? How do we, as people of faith, find joy, hope, and strength when the world around us presses against us? This Sunday we’ll explore a Bible […]
Life is crazy, constantly knocking us around, full of melt down moments. Have you ever known somebody who seemed to float above it all? No matter what happened, their serenity was unperturbed. How did they do it? Because their life is anchored in certain great spiritual truths. What are those truths? And how can we internalize […]
In this fall season, everywhere we look we see dried up leaves fallen to the ground. Are there places in your personal life that feel like dried up leaves. The Biblical term for that feeling is “dry bones.” This Sunday we’ll study a passage of scripture that tells us how to stir up those dry-bone […]
You’ve heard it all before – in the Bible, in articles, and in news stories: an attitude of gratitude is critical to our wellbeing even when we think there’s not much to be grateful for. But why? Why is gratitude so important, and how can we get better at it? We’ll explore those questions this […]
This Sunday we continue our new sermon series “From the Cradle to the Grave: Lessons from the Life of Mary.” In this second installment, we’ll explore a POWERFULLY UPLIFTING LESSON we can learn from the incredibly difficult circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus.
As we move through life, we often find ourselves feeling like we don’t have enough of what we need to meet the challenges before us. Maybe it’s a death or divorce or illness or financial stress or tension at work or conflict with family, etc., etc. How should we respond when it feels like there […]
Life is chalked full of disasters – moral failure, job loss, divorce, injustice, bankruptcy, serious illness, death of a dream, death of a loved one. Nothing can be harder on us – or our faith – than when disaster strikes. So this Sunday we will consider what happens with faith meets disaster. How can/should faith […]
This Sunday, as we continue our new sermon series on the Old Testament book of Daniel, we’ll explore an intriguing story about a strange dream King Nebuchadnezzar had and, in the process, learn something really important about how to access God’s guidance in our lives. Do you have questions? Do you face important decisions? Then […]
Are you facing some challenges? Do you need some inspiration and encouragement? This Sunday Pastor Jeff will talk to us about three spiritual principles that can empower us to triumph over adversity in our lives.
Jesus’ resurrection is the most spectacular event in the history of time. This Sunday we’ll talk about the meaning of the resurrection and identify the secret ingredient that catalyzes resurrection power in our personal lives. Join us for our Easter Worship!
On Sunday we launch a new sermon series on the New Testament book of Second Corinthians. Second Corinthians is all about everyday challenges we face in life and faith, starting with the challenge posed by all of life’s hardship. When it feels like life is crushing us, how should we respond? That’s our subject this […]
Do you like surprises? If not, you won’t much like life because life is full of them. This Sunday we’ll look at someone who had a surprising encounter with Jesus and, in the process, learned a critical life lesson.
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