
The Painful Joy of Forgiving

Again and again the Bible tells us to forgive.  We tend to think forgiving is for the benefit of the offending person and find ourselves thinking, “Why should I let them off the hook?  They’re not even sorry.”  Actually, forgiving is not about the offender.  It’s about our own quality of life and our impact […]

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In Spite of Myself

If you need a word of encouragement, if you’re ever tempted to think you mess up too much for God to use you, if you need an extra dose of God’s grace, you need to hear this Sunday’s sermon – the fourth installment in our sermon series on the Life of Jacob.

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Words of Life, Words Like a Knife

On Sunday, we’ll study a third thought-provoking story from the Life of Jacob.  It’s a perfect story for Mother’s Day because it will challenge us to consider: How have the words of your mother, father, and other key influencers shaped you?  And how are your own words now shaping those around you and even yourself?  […]

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Short Sell

That’s the term stock traders use when they buy a stock with the intention of turning around and selling it rapidly to make a quick profit.  Life constantly tempts us to “sell short,” instead of investing in the long term.  We make decisions that feel good in the moment, but come back to bite us.  […]

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