The Bible speaks loftily about a “peace that surpasses understanding.” Sounds great! We all want it! But how do we get it? That will be our focus on Sunday as we continue our sermon series entitled, “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity.”
Life is so full of stress and never-ending demands. Do this! Do that! No, do this over here – and hurry up! It never lets up – and in the process we become frazzled, stressed, and pulled in a million different directions. For the next three weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Pastor Jeff will do […]
You remember that iconic scene in the iconic ET movie, right? ET is far from home and lonely – an alien in an alien land. He’s desperate to phone home. We resonate with ET’s experience because we sometimes feel like him – like we too are aliens on planet earth disconnected from our Source. Sunday’s […]
It’s what we all want. For ourselves, others, and the world. This Sunday we wrap up our sermon series on a famous Christmas prophecy describing who Jesus would be. Our focus this week will be on the claim that Jesus is the “Prince of Peace.” We’ll explore three core spiritual principles that can make the […]
Are you frazzled? Stretched too thin? Does it feel like your life is out-of-balance? If so, Jesus has something to say to you. Join us on Sunday as we tackle Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 6 for wholehearted living: cultivating play and rest . . . by letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and […]
Scarcity is a fact of life. Every time we turn around, it seems like we’re lacking something – not enough time, money, energy, love, opportunity, etc., etc. This week we’ll learn how to turn scarcity into abundance. This is the third step in our ongoing sermon series called, “If we knew now what they knew […]