
The Gospel of the 3:16’s

Sin and Grace – those are two key words that Christians throw around a lot.  The word “sin” has been used as a club to beat us over the head, so we tend to want to avoid it.  The word “grace” sounds nice, but seems vague.  This week we’re going to tackle both words, exploring […]

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Caught In The Very Act

Those are some of the worst words in the English language.  You know the feeling.  You got caught or you catch somebody “in the very act.”  You have them dead to rights, or they’ve got you dead to rights.  What now?  What happens next is CRITICAL to both the offender and the offended.  That’s what […]

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All My Failures

We all live with a keen sense of our failures.  Time and again, we mess up.  How does a healthy spiritual person address that?  This Sunday we’ll explore a three-fold pattern of wholeness embedded in the Old Testament and reflected in the highest holy day on the Jewish calendar – Yom Kippur.  Join us Sunday […]

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The Atomic Center of the Gospel Message

This week we will explore the single most important concept for us to understand if we’re going to be followers of Jesus.  The explosive power of Jesus’ message comes from this core concept.  Do you know what it is?  Have you internalized it?  Are you living it? Sermon Video Reference

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Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

You’ve probably heard it said many times, “Jesus had to die.”  It’s one of those things that Christians say – a lot.  But why?  Why did he have to die?  Why couldn’t God have just pardoned our sins without the trauma of the cross?  This Sunday we’ll explore those questions, as we continue our series […]

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