
Heaven & Hell – What Should I Believe?

This week we conclude our sermon series about “New Life In Christ,” i.e., being born again.  Our focus in this last installment will be on the afterlife and how being born again affects that.  If you’ve ever wondered what will heaven really be like?  Or, how could a loving God create a place like hell?  […]

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Eternity Perspective

As we continue our intensive study of the book of Second Corinthians, this Sunday we come to a passage that challenges us to reimagine life from an eternal perspective.  What does that mean?  How does it change things?  Why is it so important to my current quality of life?  Those are the questions we’ll explore […]

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When I Grieve A Great Loss

There is nothing more challenging in life than losing a loved one.  The grief can be overwhelming.  This Sunday we’ll conclude our sermon series on “Managing Our Moods” by exploring several profound spiritual principles that can help us pull through even the deepest grief.

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When I Feel Like A Failure

Do you ever say to yourself:  What’s wrong with me?  Why do I always do that?  When will I ever learn?  I’m not good enough!  I don’t deserve to be a child of God!  And the list goes on and on.  Sometimes we feel like a failure and the pain is profound.  I wonder what […]

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Who Gets Into Heaven?

This Sunday we’ll wrap up our sermon series on heaven by tackling the ultimate question: Who gets in?  We’ll do a deep dive into what the Bible says.  You might be surprised.  Jesus had some pretty interesting things to say.  If you’ve ever wondered, “What happens to good people who don’t know Jesus?” – this […]

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Where is Heaven? And When Does It Start?

Would it surprise you that Christians do not agree on the answers to those questions?  This Sunday we’ll explore several differences of interpretation, evaluate them, stretch our imagination, and in the process learn two powerful practical lessons for how we should live right now.

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Heaven’s Greatest Surprise

What role, if any, will suffering play in heaven?  This Sunday we’ll explore a Bible passage that answers that question in a way that may knock your socks off – and forever change the way you view suffering.

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What Will Heaven Feel Like? 

Do you ever wonder what it will “feel” like to be in heaven?  That’s what we’ll explore this week.  For guidance, we’ll look at one of the most intriguing passages about heaven found in the book of Revelation.  And in the process, we’ll gain insight as to how we can experience a bit more heaven […]

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Will Heaven Be Boring?

In the popular imagination, heaven is often pictured as a place of eternal rest, kind of like an old folks’ home in the sky. Nothin’ to do but sit around on clouds and play harps. To most of us, that doesn’t sound very uninviting. As we continue our sermon series on heaven, this Sunday we’re […]

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What Will Heaven Be Like

This Sunday we launch a new sermon series exploring what the Bible does (and doesn’t) say about heaven.  We’ll explore questions like:  What will we do there?  Who will be there?  Where is it?  When does it start?  Should I dare to believe it?  How have Christians differed on the subject?  How does the way I […]

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Is Jesus The Only Way?

Many of us struggle with that question.  On the one hand, we have found life and light in Jesus.  On the other hand, what about people who live beautiful lives while embracing other faiths?  This Sunday we’ll do our best to honestly explore several different ways Christians have wrestled with the question, “Is Jesus The Only Way?”  […]

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Fear Of Death And Dying

Do you ever worry about death?  If so, this Sunday you’ll hear some insights that will really lift your spirits and give you strength to face life with greater courage.  Join us for an uplifting Sunday, as we grapple with how people of faith learn to triumph over death!

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