
Life, Death, and Then What?

This Sunday we wrap up our sermon series called “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity” by exploring the Bible’s penultimate promise – the promise of life in heaven.  What will be it be like?  What will we do there?  Who will be there?  Join us for a thoughtful, inspiring time […]

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Living Outside of Ourselves

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between those who go to heaven and those who don’t?  This week we’ll study a fascinating parable of Jesus that goes right to the heart of the matter.  It turns out, it’s a whole lot simpler and more subtle than you may have been told. Let’s focus […]

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Heaven & Hell – What Should I Believe?

This week we conclude our sermon series about “New Life In Christ,” i.e., being born again.  Our focus in this last installment will be on the afterlife and how being born again affects that.  If you’ve ever wondered what will heaven really be like?  Or, how could a loving God create a place like hell?  […]

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Most churches refuse to treat women, gays, and transgender people as full, equal partners in ministry.  LifeJourney Church is different!  If someone asked you why, could you make the Biblical case for equality?  Last week we explored the Biblical case for women.  This week we explore the Biblical case for gay people.

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Who Gets Into Heaven?

This Sunday we’ll wrap up our sermon series on heaven by tackling the ultimate question: Who gets in?  We’ll do a deep dive into what the Bible says.  You might be surprised.  Jesus had some pretty interesting things to say.  If you’ve ever wondered, “What happens to good people who don’t know Jesus?” – this […]

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