
Who’s Your Posse?

Do  you have a posse?  In other words, are you part of a group of people who hang together and look out for each other?  Did you know that Jesus taught that each of us should have a posse?  Join us on Sunday as we discover who we should be hanging with and standing together […]

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Join us for Pride Weekend Worship!  During the sermon time on Sunday, some of our trans congregants will share their personal experiences and other important information.  Taking time to understand those whose life experiences differ from ours is a critical part of what Jesus meant when he said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Let’s practice […]

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On Earth, As In Heaven

This Sunday is World Missions Day at LifeJourney! During the sermon, you’ll hear exciting information about how our church is having a big impact both globally and locally. After both worship services, the Social Hall will be full of displays, information booths, arts and crafts for the children, and samplings of international foods.  The Bible […]

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On Earth, As It Is In Heaven

Conversations about race and racism are at the heart of American culture today.  Just this past week, the Supreme Court issued a major decision prohibiting affirmative action.  This Sunday we’ll wrap up our sermon series on the Bible & Justice by grappling with the challenges of racism.  We’ll look at the big picture story of […]

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The Burden of Wealth

When you were a kid, what did “rich” mean to you?  Do  you consider yourself rich?  By any objective measure, compared to the rest of the world, most of us are in the top 10% of wealth in the world.  This Sunday we’ll take a look at God’s passion for the poor and explore how […]

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We live in a land of plenty, which makes our nation a magnet for immigrants.  Jesus said, “To whom much is given, of them shall much be required.”  But we can’t save the whole world, so how much is enough?  That’s the question we’ll wrestle with this Sunday, as we come to the third installment […]

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Responding to Anti-Trans Hate: WWJD?

This Sunday, for the second installment in our sermon series called “The Bible & Justice: What Love Looks Like in Public,” we will be challenged to think deeply about what Jesus would want us to do – individually and as a congregation – to respond to the huge surge in hate being directed at transgender […]

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Should We All Think Alike?

This Sunday Pastor Jeff begins a new sermon series called “The Bible & Justice: What Love Looks Like in Public.”  The goal of this series is NOT for one person (Pastor Jeff) to tell everybody what their detailed policy positions should be, but rather to identify core biblical values relevant to contemporary justice issues (like […]

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Leaving It In God’s Hands

You've heard people say it before, "Just leave it in God's hands."  But that's easier said than done.  This Sunday we'll grapple with how we can do better at genuinely leaving our fears and worries in God's hands.  Sunday's service will also include extra special music as we celebrate Black History Month.  Don't miss this […]

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What It Looks Like To Partner With God

Imagine Jesus walking up to you and saying, "I need your help.  Will you partner with me?"  What would it look like?  What would it entail?   Actually, partnering with God is less about what we do than how we do it.  This week we'll explore what that means, as we continue our study of Second […]

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Finding Our Balance

Some of us grew up in religious circles that were harsh and judgmental – good riddance.  Having seen how ugly that is, we could easily go to the opposite extreme – anything goes.  But that has its own problems.  So how does a New Testament believer living in an age of grace find the right […]

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The Gift Of Anger

That title may surprise you.  Most of us have been taught that anger is a sin that should be denied and suppressed, but actually the Bible offers us a much healthier way of understanding and managing our anger.  Join us on Sunday for a revolutionary look at how God can use anger to make our […]

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