
The Meaning of Time

The Sunday we’ll dig deep into a famous Bible verse about God being the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end, the one who was, and is, and is to come.  As we do so, we’ll wrestle with: (a) what it means to say that God exists outside of time, and (b) what it means […]

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Heaven & Hell – What Should I Believe?

This week we conclude our sermon series about “New Life In Christ,” i.e., being born again.  Our focus in this last installment will be on the afterlife and how being born again affects that.  If you’ve ever wondered what will heaven really be like?  Or, how could a loving God create a place like hell?  […]

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Rising With Christ

The Bible says that all who believe in Jesus have access the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.  But how do we make that real in our lives?  On Sunday, we launch a four-week sermon series called Living With Resurrection Power!  Don’t miss any Sunday in April as we explore four resurrection principles that could […]

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Who Killed Jesus? — Suspect #5

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on “Who Killed Jesus?”  Our goal is to determine who bears ultimate responsibility for Jesus’ death,  As we examine the various suspects, we’ve been thinking deeply and learning a lot.  Although it sounds counterintuitive, this Sunday we’re going to explore Jesus’ role in his own death by asking: […]

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When A Dream Dies

Life is full of unexpected, unwelcome, and sometimes devastating interruptions.  How many times has life thrown you a curve ball?  How we respond in those times is critical.  So that’s what we’re going to talk about on Sunday, as we conclude our sermon series on The Meaning of the Cross by exploring a fourth great lesson of […]

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Who Gets Into Heaven?

This Sunday we’ll wrap up our sermon series on heaven by tackling the ultimate question: Who gets in?  We’ll do a deep dive into what the Bible says.  You might be surprised.  Jesus had some pretty interesting things to say.  If you’ve ever wondered, “What happens to good people who don’t know Jesus?” – this […]

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Where is Heaven? And When Does It Start?

Would it surprise you that Christians do not agree on the answers to those questions?  This Sunday we’ll explore several differences of interpretation, evaluate them, stretch our imagination, and in the process learn two powerful practical lessons for how we should live right now.

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Heaven’s Greatest Surprise

What role, if any, will suffering play in heaven?  This Sunday we’ll explore a Bible passage that answers that question in a way that may knock your socks off – and forever change the way you view suffering.

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What Will Heaven Feel Like? 

Do you ever wonder what it will “feel” like to be in heaven?  That’s what we’ll explore this week.  For guidance, we’ll look at one of the most intriguing passages about heaven found in the book of Revelation.  And in the process, we’ll gain insight as to how we can experience a bit more heaven […]

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Will Heaven Be Boring?

In the popular imagination, heaven is often pictured as a place of eternal rest, kind of like an old folks’ home in the sky. Nothin’ to do but sit around on clouds and play harps. To most of us, that doesn’t sound very uninviting. As we continue our sermon series on heaven, this Sunday we’re […]

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What Will Heaven Be Like

This Sunday we launch a new sermon series exploring what the Bible does (and doesn’t) say about heaven.  We’ll explore questions like:  What will we do there?  Who will be there?  Where is it?  When does it start?  Should I dare to believe it?  How have Christians differed on the subject?  How does the way I […]

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