
Dark Side of the Moon

This Sunday we’ll launch a new sermon series called “Dinner With Jesus.”  Jesus seems to have loved nothing more than making conversation with people over dinner.  In this new series we’ll explore six of those pivotal dinner conversations, imagining that we’re there and grappling with what Jesus words mean for us to, starting this week […]

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When A Dream Dies

Life is full of unexpected, unwelcome, and sometimes devastating interruptions.  How many times has life thrown you a curve ball?  How we respond in those times is critical.  So that’s what we’re going to talk about on Sunday, as we conclude our sermon series on The Meaning of the Cross by exploring a fourth great lesson of […]

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The Hero’s Journey

This week we’ll begin a brief, three-week sermon series about the Jewish High Holy Days.  Our focus on Sunday will be Rosh ha-Shana, the Jewish New Year – which Jews around the world will be celebrating on Sunday!  As we explore the meaning of Rosh ha-Shana, each of us will be challenged to examine how […]

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