
Living Outside of Ourselves

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between those who go to heaven and those who don’t?  This week we’ll study a fascinating parable of Jesus that goes right to the heart of the matter.  It turns out, it’s a whole lot simpler and more subtle than you may have been told. Let’s focus […]

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Heaven & Hell – What Should I Believe?

This week we conclude our sermon series about “New Life In Christ,” i.e., being born again.  Our focus in this last installment will be on the afterlife and how being born again affects that.  If you’ve ever wondered what will heaven really be like?  Or, how could a loving God create a place like hell?  […]

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Fullness of Life

The New Testament says that when we are “born again” (i.e., spiritually awakened), we receive an amazing, incredible, miraculous gift called “the Holy Spirit.”  What does that mean?  And what new possibilities does that open up in my life?  This will be the fourth of five installments in our sermon series on “New Life in […]

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In our sermon series on “New Life in Christ,” we’ve talked about what Jesus meant when he said “you must be born again” and we’ve talked about the role that grace and faith play in that spiritual birthing process.  Now this Sunday we’re ready to discuss what comes next.  Once I’ve been spiritually reborn, what […]

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Animal House

This week we continue our Sermon series called “New Life in Christ.”  Last week we began by exploring what it means to be “born again.”  We saw that Jesus was talking about the necessity of a spiritual awakening within each of us.  This week we’ll dig deeper by studying a key New Testament passage that […]

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Born Again?

You’ve heard the phrase a million times.  You’ve seen it on thousands of bumper stickers?  But have you ever heard a really thoughtful discussion of what Jesus meant when he originally used that term.  This Sunday Pastor Jeff will dig deep into the question: What does it really mean to be born again?  This will be the […]

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