
Be Prayerful

This Sunday we wrap up our intensive study of The Lord's Prayer.  In that prayer, Jesus identifies THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT THINGS we can ever pray.   This week we’ll focus on the fourth prayer -- "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."  That way of praying seems counterintuitive.  Does God ever "lead […]

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You’ve probably heard the phrase “spiritual warfare.”  And you’ve heard about evil spirits, fallen angels, and demons.  What should thoughtful people of faith believe about such things?  Sunday’s scripture story from the book of Daniel will challenge us to wrestle with these questions, and Pastor Jeff will share how he makes sense of it all.

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ET Phone Home

You remember that iconic scene in the iconic ET movie, right?  ET is far from home and lonely – an alien in an alien land.  He’s desperate to phone home.  We resonate with ET’s experience because we sometimes feel like him – like we too are aliens on planet earth disconnected from our Source.  Sunday’s […]

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This Sunday we’ll resume our Life of Jacob sermon series and grapple with one of the most intriguing stories in the Bible – an instance where Jacob wrestled with “the Angel of the Lord.”  It’s a thought provoking story that raises deep questions about prayer and how God works in our world.

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