
This week’s sermon title kinda says it all.  This Sunday we will discuss one key thought – one core Biblical idea – that has the power to destroy toxic thinking and replace it with life-giving Christ-like perspectives.  If you want to live into the fullness of all God meant you to be, join us on […]

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Get Out Of Your Head!

This Sunday we will launch a new sermon series based on a New York Times bestseller called, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.”  It’s written by Christian author, Jennie Allen, from a biblical perspective.  Guided by the scriptures and Allen’s insights, we're going to explore toxic thinking and how to […]

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Your Secret Superpower

Did you know that you have a Secret Superpower?  Do you know what it is?  Are you actively using it?  These are the questions we’ll explore on Sunday, as we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power!” Don’t live an underpowered life!  Let’s learn together!

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Words of Life, Words Like a Knife

On Sunday, we’ll study a third thought-provoking story from the Life of Jacob.  It’s a perfect story for Mother’s Day because it will challenge us to consider: How have the words of your mother, father, and other key influencers shaped you?  And how are your own words now shaping those around you and even yourself?  […]

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The Power of Negative Thinking

You’ve heard about the “the power of positive thinking.”  There’s a lot of truth in that.  But the reverse is also true.  Negative thinking can be just as powerful in destructive ways.  This week we’ll explore a passage in Second Corinthians that offers insights into how we can overcome the power of negative thinking.  None […]

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Three Fathers, Three Lessons

Our parents are complex people.  Being a parent is complex.  Some of life’s most charged feelings revolve around our parents.  Life is usually not as simple as having perfect parents or perfectly awful parents.  Most parents fall somewhere in between, complex blends of strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and failures.  To try to put it all […]

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The Drama of Human Conflict

Are you at odds with anyone in your life?  Do you struggle with how to respond?  This Sunday, as we continue exploring profound life lessons embedded in the Biblical creation story, we move into the part of the story where two brothers, Cain and Abel, become deadly enemies.  If you’ve ever experienced broken relationships, you […]

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This Sunday Pastor Jeff will speak about the third essential element of prayer – prayers of want.   Some people say, “Ask for anything in prayer with enough faith and you’ll get it.”  Others say, “The only thing prayer changes is what’s inside you.”  Still others split the difference, seeing prayer as a mystical form of negotiation […]

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The Two Angels Within You

Did you know that many early Christians believed that there are two angels within each of us?  Do you know who those angels are and what they’re up to?  Do you know how to harness their power for good?  Join us on Sunday as we study an ancient book called “The Shepherd of Hermas” that circulated widely […]

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The Eye Of The Beholder

Do you need some encouragement?  Do you feel like you’re being pounded by relentless circumstances?  Do you need to hear a word that will lift your spirits and shift your perspective?  Then join us on Sunday as we explore the next powerful passage in our “Voices of Angels” series – a passage that is all about encouragement […]

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