

All the demands of life, coupled with losses and disappointments, can easily cause us to shut off, shut down, and end up mindlessly going through the motions of life – numb and listless.  What can keep us fresh, give us hope, and renew our spirit?  That will be our topic on Sunday as we continue […]

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How to Win the Battle With Fear

What are your top three fears right now?  How goes your battle with fear?  Who’s winning?  The most often repeated statement in the Bible is, “Fear not.”  Sounds good, but how?  How can we win the battle with fear?  That will be our topic on Sunday as we continue our study of Jennie Allen’s New […]

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Village People

This Sunday we’ll continue our sermon series exploring Biblical principles that empower us to conquer toxic thoughts and distorted thinking.  Our series is based on Jennie Allen’s New York Times bestselling book “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.” This week we’ll focus on a second critical Biblical truth that can […]

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No Time To Think

On Sunday we’ll continue our study of Jennie Allen’s New York Times bestselling book, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.” This week we’ll dig deep into the single biggest lie Satan tells us and  explore the countervailing truth that can set us free from that lie.  Your life will be […]

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This week’s sermon title kinda says it all.  This Sunday we will discuss one key thought – one core Biblical idea – that has the power to destroy toxic thinking and replace it with life-giving Christ-like perspectives.  If you want to live into the fullness of all God meant you to be, join us on […]

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Get Out Of Your Head!

This Sunday we will launch a new sermon series based on a New York Times bestseller called, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.”  It’s written by Christian author, Jennie Allen, from a biblical perspective.  Guided by the scriptures and Allen’s insights, we're going to explore toxic thinking and how to […]

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How to Keep Your Sanity in a Mad, Mad World

Life is so full of stress and never-ending demands.  Do this!  Do that!  No, do this over here – and hurry up!  It never lets up – and in the process we become frazzled, stressed, and pulled in a million different directions.  For the next three weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Pastor Jeff will do […]

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Your Secret Superpower

Did you know that you have a Secret Superpower?  Do you know what it is?  Are you actively using it?  These are the questions we’ll explore on Sunday, as we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power!” Don’t live an underpowered life!  Let’s learn together!

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Get Out of Your Own Way

This Sunday we begin a new sermon series called “Songs of Our Heart.”  In this series, we’ll study the songs sung by our ancestors in faith in the Old Testament book of Psalms and discover that their hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties are very similar to ours.  From them, we will learn how to better […]

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