
The ‘Baddest’ Mother in the Bible

This Sunday – Mother’s Day – we’ll wrap up on our sermon series on six of the “baddest” people in the Bible by studying the “baddest” mother in the Bible.  Granted, it’s an odd topic for Mother’s Day!  But it will lead to a fascinating conversation about what makes a really good mother – and […]

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What It Means To Be Church

This Sunday we celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the founding of our church!  Everyone is invited to our All-Church Picnic that will take place after the 11:00 o’clock worship service – bring a dish to share.  We’ll also be baptizing, inducting new members, and awarding anniversary membership pins during both worship services.  Sunday’s sermon will remind […]

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Taking My Relationships to the Next Level

Relationships are really hard.  Not just spousal relationships, but also relationships with children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, etc.  This Sunday we’re going to talk about some Biblical principles for growing the strength and quality of our relationships, as Pastor Jeff continues a series of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to […]

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Who Killed Jesus? — Suspect #5

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on “Who Killed Jesus?”  Our goal is to determine who bears ultimate responsibility for Jesus’ death,  As we examine the various suspects, we’ve been thinking deeply and learning a lot.  Although it sounds counterintuitive, this Sunday we’re going to explore Jesus’ role in his own death by asking: […]

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Who Killed Jesus? — Suspect #4

This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series on “Who Killed Jesus?”  The goal in this series is to determine who bears ultimate responsibility for Jesus’ death.  So far we’ve considered three rather obvious suspects: Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, and Jerusalem’s institutional religious leaders.  Now our investigation takes an unexpected turn with a fourth suspect who […]

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Who Killed Jesus? Suspect #3

Sometimes life backs us into a corner and forces us to make difficult choices that demand great courage and sacrifice.  How courageous are you?  What makes the difference between people who rise to an occasion and those who don’t?  These are some of the questions we’ll discuss on Sunday, as we continue exploring who bears […]

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Jesus affirmatively and emphatically commanded us to observe Holy Communion.  No practice is more central to the Christian faith than Holy Communion.  But why?  This Sunday we’re going to talk about the meaning of Communion, why it’s so important, what we’re supposed to get from it, and how it can become a transformational part of […]

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The Heart of Christmas

This Sunday we’re going to explore an aspect of the Christmas story that’s often glossed over because it challenges how we think about ourselves and our world.  It might even shock you.  Yet it goes to the very heart of the meaning of Christmas – and the heart of what it means to be a […]

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Everyday Saints

This Sunday, November 1st, is All Saints Day.  We’ll wrap up our sermon series on saints by celebrating everyday saints that we encounter in our own lives.  We’ll explore the common traits that most saintly people share and, in the process, learn how we can come closer to living into their example.

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