
Get Out Of Your Head!

This Sunday we will launch a new sermon series based on a New York Times bestseller called, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.”  It’s written by Christian author, Jennie Allen, from a biblical perspective.  Guided by the scriptures and Allen’s insights, we're going to explore toxic thinking and how to […]

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War and Peace

The fourth character in our study of “The Baddest People in the Bible” is Judas Iscariot.  Have you ever wondered what drove Judas to betray Jesus?  Spoiler Alert: it wasn’t just about 30 pieces of silver.  Judas’ motivation ran much deeper.  Uncovering his motive will reveal a profoundly important life lesson for each of us.

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The next character in our study of “The Baddest People in the Bible” is Satan himself.  We’ll begin by wrestling with whether thoughtful 21st century people of faith believe in Satan and, if so, why?  Then we’ll explore what powerful lessons we can learn from Satan’s profoundly negative example.

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Be Prayerful

This Sunday we wrap up our intensive study of The Lord's Prayer.  In that prayer, Jesus identifies THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT THINGS we can ever pray.   This week we’ll focus on the fourth prayer -- "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."  That way of praying seems counterintuitive.  Does God ever "lead […]

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You’ve probably heard the phrase “spiritual warfare.”  And you’ve heard about evil spirits, fallen angels, and demons.  What should thoughtful people of faith believe about such things?  Sunday’s scripture story from the book of Daniel will challenge us to wrestle with these questions, and Pastor Jeff will share how he makes sense of it all.

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The Power of Negative Thinking

You’ve heard about the “the power of positive thinking.”  There’s a lot of truth in that.  But the reverse is also true.  Negative thinking can be just as powerful in destructive ways.  This week we’ll explore a passage in Second Corinthians that offers insights into how we can overcome the power of negative thinking.  None […]

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Nefarious Otherworldly Forces

Spiritual mystics throughout the ages have warned us that nefarious otherworldly forces – Satan and demons – are an unseen part of every human struggle.  Jesus himself seemed to agree.  So what should 21st century believers make of all this?  Is there really a spiritual dimension to every problem?  If so, how should we respond?  Join […]

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How To Win The War We’re In

Do you ever feel like you’re under attack?  Like the challenges of life are so overwhelming you feel like you’re in a war and at risk of being swept away?  This Sunday we’ll conclude our sermon series in the New Testament book of Ephesians by looking at an insightful formula for winning the war that […]

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