
How to Win the Battle With Fear

What are your top three fears right now?  How goes your battle with fear?  Who’s winning?  The most often repeated statement in the Bible is, “Fear not.”  Sounds good, but how?  How can we win the battle with fear?  That will be our topic on Sunday as we continue our study of Jennie Allen’s New […]

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Prayer is puzzling subject.  How does it work?  Am I doing it right?  What should I say?  Why are some prayers answered and not others?  Over the next three weeks, we’re going to do a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer – to see what we can learn from it.  […]

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Meet Your Moments!

Join us for our Palm Sunday celebration, which marks the beginning of the most eventful week on the Christian calendar.  This Sunday we will study Luke’s account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, drawing power life lessons from three key actors in the Palm Parade.

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Who Killed Jesus? Suspect #2

Have you ever been disappointed in God?  On Sunday we continue a new sermon series exploring who bears ultimate responsibility for the death of Jesus.  This week we’ll look at Suspect #2 – Judas Iscariot.  Judas’ story is fascinating and teaches us a VERY important lesson about how we should (and shouldn’t) react when we […]

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Born Again?

It’s one of the most oft-repeated and intriguing phrases found in the teachings of Jesus: You must be “born again.”  When Jesus used those words, what did he really mean?  This week we’ll dig deep – past the religious clichés, past bumper-sticker theology – to get to the bottom of the meaning of being “born […]

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When we pray, sometimes it seems to “work.”  We ask and receive!  But other times there’s radio silence – no apparent results.  All of which raises the question: How does prayer work?  That’s the question we’ll tackle this Sunday, as we continue our new sermon series based on James Martin’s best-selling book Learning to Pray: A […]

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Where is Heaven? And When Does It Start?

Would it surprise you that Christians do not agree on the answers to those questions?  This Sunday we’ll explore several differences of interpretation, evaluate them, stretch our imagination, and in the process learn two powerful practical lessons for how we should live right now.

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Never Outsource Your Peace & Joy

Have you ever known someone who exuded peace and joy even during life’s toughest times? How is that possible? This Sunday we’ll explore the Biblical formula for experiencing a peace and joy that defies life’s ups and downs. As we do so, we’ll draw on stories from the lives of some amazing women of faith, […]

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Jesus vs. Coronavirus

Ok, so maybe you chuckled at the title.  But this is serious.  All the anxious talk about coronavirus can be disorienting.  So much uncertainty.  If Jesus were here right now, what would he say to us?  Join us on Sunday for something practical that will actually lift you up and help you find the right […]

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Didn’t See That Coming

Once there was a man who felt called to do something really important in life.  He threw himself into it with passion and accomplished something great!  But then his life's work was destroyed.  What did he do next?  Join us on Sunday to find out -- and in the process, learn a very important lesson […]

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God Wants To Provide

How much confidence do you have everything you need will be provided, day by day?  Do you find yourself worrying that there won’t be enough?  This Sunday we’ll be exploring several spiritual insights that can liberate us, allowing us to relax and live in a sense of confidence and abundance.  YOUR PRESENCE at worship this Sunday will feed your […]

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