What is your greatest personal weakness? That’s what we’re going to talk about this Sunday, as Pastor Jeff continues a series of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to the Next Level." Each one of us struggles with one or more personal issues that hold us back in life. Jeff will […]
Samson is one of the most puzzling “heroes” in the Bible. He was full of flaws, yet also chosen and called by God. As we explore Samson’s story, we’ll wrestle with this big question: Can you have faith and not be faithful?
It’s one of our greatest anxieties. When I stand before God, how will I be evaluated? Even right now as God looks down on my life, how does God feel about how I’m doing? This Sunday Pastor Jeff will invite us to explore three Bible verses that are critical to understanding how God evaluates us. […]
As we move toward Thanksgiving, we’ll spend the next few weeks exploring how we can grow our sense of gratitude. This week we’ll study a single Bible verse that has the power to completely change how you see life, but you’ve probably never heard before. Learn something new!
We’re in a sermon series where we’re learning about some of the great saints of church history. This Sunday we’re going to take a look at the life of someone who’s probably done more than anyone ever to open the church to LGBTQ people. We’ll ask what practical lessons we can learn from the life […]
We all have weaknesses – areas in life where we really struggle. How does God judge us in those areas? This Sunday we’ll look at a story where Jesus tackles that question. What he says will probably surprise you – and offer great hope!