Why The World Needs Us!
This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series entitled “Called Together,” as we continue exploring various questions about what it means to be church together. We’ve already explored why you need us, and why we need you. Now this week we’ll explore why the world needs us. Given the way many churches are these days, lots of people might say that church is the last thing the world needs more of! Sadly, there’s a lot of truth to that. But what if churches lived up the fullness of Jesus’ vision? What would that look like? And how can we be that? Join us on Sunday for a thought-provoking sermon.
LIVE Stream Replay
Watch the entire Worship Service
Today's Scripture
Ephesians 2:1-17, selected verses
Discussion Questions
"Going Deeper"
Sunday Headlines
Weekly Bulletin
Authentic Spiritual Life, Being part of something greater, Broken world, Church, Church family, Church of the future, Compassion for the world, Cross, Death of Jesus, Discrimination, Diversity, Dream of Jesus, Forgiven by God, Forgiveness, God’s grace, Hate, Jesus – Lamb of God, Jesus and his church, Jesus died for our sins, Loving the world, Ministry of Reconciliation, power of Grace, Purpose of Church, Reconciliation, Spiritual Community, Vision for our church