
Living Large

Deep in their belly, ships have flood walls.  If a ship springs a leak, doors can be closed that contain the flood waters to a compartment, minimizing damage.  Often we live our faith like that – compartmentalizing our lives, letting God into certain areas, but not others.  This Sunday we’ll...

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Imago Dei

This week our new Family Life Pastor, Rev. Tandy Adams, will tell us a little bit about herself, then talk to us about the Biblical concept of “imago dei” and what that means for our everyday lives.  Learn something important, even as we get acquainted with our newest pastor!

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The Pain of Criticism

How do you feel when someone offers criticism?  How do you feel when you’re the one who needs to share criticism?  Criticism is almost always painful, even when justified and graciously delivered, so it’s easy to tune it out or avoid giving it.  Yet constructive criticism is essential to our...

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Eternity Perspective

As we continue our intensive study of the book of Second Corinthians, this Sunday we come to a passage that challenges us to reimagine life from an eternal perspective.  What does that mean?  How does it change things?  Why is it so important to my current quality of life?  Those...

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When Trouble Comes

On Sunday we launch a new sermon series on the New Testament book of Second Corinthians.  Second Corinthians is all about everyday challenges we face in life and faith, starting with the challenge posed by all of life’s hardship.  When it feels like life is crushing us, how should we...

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