The Bible speaks loftily about a “peace that surpasses understanding.” Sounds great! We all want it! But how do we get it? That will be our focus on Sunday as we continue our sermon series entitled, “Seven Biblical Promises That Anchor Our Sanity and Support Our Serenity.”
What are you most afraid of? What causes the most fear in your life? Fear is one of the biggest barriers to living a life that’s full and free. So how do we overcome fear? How do we become courageous people? Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as we explore the intersection […]
You've heard people say it before, "Just leave it in God's hands." But that's easier said than done. This Sunday we'll grapple with how we can do better at genuinely leaving our fears and worries in God's hands. Sunday's service will also include extra special music as we celebrate Black History Month. Don't miss this […]
Did you know that there is something prayer can do for us that’s even more beneficial than the things we ask for and receive. Yet most people have never heard of this other aspect of prayer, let alone tried it. This Sunday we’ll talk about it, as we continue our sermon series based on the […]
The coronavirus news keeps washing over us. Life is completely turned upside down. Many of us feel a lot of fear, and there are reasonable reasons to be afraid. But . . . there are also some really important spiritual principles that can help us live well even in these crazy times. Join us this Sunday to […]
Ok, so maybe you chuckled at the title. But this is serious. All the anxious talk about coronavirus can be disorienting. So much uncertainty. If Jesus were here right now, what would he say to us? Join us on Sunday for something practical that will actually lift you up and help you find the right […]
As Christmas approaches, we’re going to hear the word “hope” bandied about a lot. “Tis the season for Hope!” greeting cards declare. Yeah, but what does that mean when you (or someone you love) faces cancer or divorce or job loss or rejection or general malaise? On Sunday we’ll get real, ask, and answer that tough question.
It can be hard to find contentment in our lives. We’re overwhelmed, overloaded, and exhausted by what happens in everyday life. We want more time, but only to “catch up” on what we’re already doing — rushing, planning, worrying, and rushing some more. Everything can suffer. Contentment and joy evaporate. How do we get some […]
There’s nothing more scarce in our modern world than stillness. Life sweeps us along in a storm of sound and fury. We get so busy, we sometimes don’t even know who we are – and might even be afraid to get to know who we are. This week we’ll explore Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 8 […]
This week we continue our sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection by exploring Guidepost No. 4 – Cultivating joy and gratitude . . . by letting go of fear. We’ll learn about the single most important thing – according to Brown’s research and the Bible – that anyone can do to cultivate a “good […]
This week we continue our new sermon series based on Brené Brown’s bestselling book The Gifts of Imperfection. Last week we explored Guidepost No. 1 – Cultivating Authenticity . . . by letting go of what people think. This week is Guidepost No. 2 – Cultivating Self-Compassion . . by letting go of perfectionism. If you ever struggle […]
Any stress in your life? One of the most important practical questions we face is how to manage stress. So what did Jesus do? This Sunday we’ll look at Jesus’ amazing stress management “technique,” as we continue our sermon series called “The Beauty Of Christ – Living In Me.” Join us on Sunday and find some relief!
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