
On Sunday we’ll conclude our “Dinner With Jesus” sermon series by studying the most famous meal in the history of the world – the Last Supper.  Every Sunday across the globe Christians have reenacted the Last Supper for thousands of years.  Jesus himself told us to do so.  Why?  What are we missing?  What’s the […]

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Who’s Your Posse?

Do  you have a posse?  In other words, are you part of a group of people who hang together and look out for each other?  Did you know that Jesus taught that each of us should have a posse?  Join us on Sunday as we discover who we should be hanging with and standing together […]

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I Love Me, I Love Me Not

Humility is a huge Biblical concept, but what does it really mean – and how do we balance that with the idea that each one of us is an awesome creation of God?  And while we’re at it, why is humility so essential to our quality of life?  We’ll grapple with those questions this Sunday, […]

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Join us for Pride Weekend Worship!  During the sermon time on Sunday, some of our trans congregants will share their personal experiences and other important information.  Taking time to understand those whose life experiences differ from ours is a critical part of what Jesus meant when he said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Let’s practice […]

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Living Outside of Ourselves

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between those who go to heaven and those who don’t?  This week we’ll study a fascinating parable of Jesus that goes right to the heart of the matter.  It turns out, it’s a whole lot simpler and more subtle than you may have been told. Let’s focus […]

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War and Peace

The fourth character in our study of “The Baddest People in the Bible” is Judas Iscariot.  Have you ever wondered what drove Judas to betray Jesus?  Spoiler Alert: it wasn’t just about 30 pieces of silver.  Judas’ motivation ran much deeper.  Uncovering his motive will reveal a profoundly important life lesson for each of us.

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Standing in the Pain

When someone you care about is in pain, have you ever found yourself wondering what to do, how to help them, and what to say?  This Sunday we’ll study a passage that describes Mary’s dramatic encounter with Jesus on the cross.  We’ll learn a beautiful lesson from Mary about how we can help others who […]

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Did you eat your fill on Thanksgiving -- and then some?  This Sunday we will examine the Gospel passage where Jesus fed 5,000.  The text tells us that the people ate their fill, with leftovers to boot.  We'll compare Jesus' attitude toward the hungry crowds to the attitude of his disciples and, in the process, learn important […]

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On Earth, As In Heaven

This Sunday is World Missions Day at LifeJourney! During the sermon, you’ll hear exciting information about how our church is having a big impact both globally and locally. After both worship services, the Social Hall will be full of displays, information booths, arts and crafts for the children, and samplings of international foods.  The Bible […]

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The Burden of Wealth

When you were a kid, what did “rich” mean to you?  Do  you consider yourself rich?  By any objective measure, compared to the rest of the world, most of us are in the top 10% of wealth in the world.  This Sunday we’ll take a look at God’s passion for the poor and explore how […]

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Taking My Relationships to the Next Level

Relationships are really hard.  Not just spousal relationships, but also relationships with children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, etc.  This Sunday we’re going to talk about some Biblical principles for growing the strength and quality of our relationships, as Pastor Jeff continues a series of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to […]

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This Sunday Pastor Jeff will begin a brief Christmas Sermon Series.  We’ll get started by looking at a part of the biblical Christmas story that’s almost always overlooked, yet incredibly relevant to our lives today.  If COVID interrupted your worship attendance pattern, Christmas is a great time to get back in the swing.  Come home […]

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