
No Time To Think

On Sunday we’ll continue our study of Jennie Allen’s New York Times bestselling book, “Get Out Of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts.” This week we’ll dig deep into the single biggest lie Satan tells us and  explore the countervailing truth that can set us free from that lie.  Your life will be […]

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Calling The Question

This Sunday, Palm Sunday, we will compare and contrast the different ways people responded when Jesus offered of himself as King on that fateful day when he rode into Jerusalem.  In the process, we’ll hold a mirror up to  ourselves and consider how we are responding to that same offer in our lives today.  On […]

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How to Keep Your Sanity in a Mad, Mad World

Life is so full of stress and never-ending demands.  Do this!  Do that!  No, do this over here – and hurry up!  It never lets up – and in the process we become frazzled, stressed, and pulled in a million different directions.  For the next three weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Pastor Jeff will do […]

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ET Phone Home

You remember that iconic scene in the iconic ET movie, right?  ET is far from home and lonely – an alien in an alien land.  He’s desperate to phone home.  We resonate with ET’s experience because we sometimes feel like him – like we too are aliens on planet earth disconnected from our Source.  Sunday’s […]

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The Three Gremlins of Prayer

The Bible teaches us that prayer is the absolute anchor of a deeply spiritual life.  But most of us struggle with prayer.  On Sunday we’re going to identify the three greatest obstacles to prayer and explore practical solutions, so each of us can experience the power of prayer.  Join us on this holiday weekend for […]

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As another New Year begins, wouldn’t it be great to hear a personal word from God – a message tailored just for you – saying exactly what you most need to hear right now?  On Sunday, we’ll explore three critical things God might want to say to each of us right now.  Odds are you […]

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Learning To Pray

Father James Martin has written a New York Times Best Selling book called Learning to Pray: A Guide for Everyone.  It’s getting rave reviews!  This Sunday Pastor Jeff will begin a new sermon series based on Father James’ book.  Whether you’re a beginner or have been praying (or trying to pray) for years, you’ll get something powerful from […]

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Top Of The World

It can be hard to find contentment in our lives.  We’re overwhelmed, overloaded, and exhausted by what happens in everyday life.  We want more time, but only to “catch up” on what we’re already doing — rushing, planning, worrying, and rushing some more.  Everything can suffer.  Contentment and joy evaporate.  How do we get some […]

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Cultivating Stillness

There’s nothing more scarce in our modern world than stillness.  Life sweeps us along in a storm of sound and fury.  We get so busy, we sometimes don’t even know who we are – and might even be afraid to get to know who we are.  This week we’ll explore Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 8 […]

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Sleep Debts and Play Deficits

Are you frazzled?  Stretched too thin?  Does it feel like your life is out-of-balance?  If so, Jesus has something to say to you.  Join us on Sunday as we tackle Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 6 for wholehearted living: cultivating play and rest . . . by letting go of exhaustion as a status symbol and […]

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I Can See It In Your Face

Any stress in your life?  One of the most important practical questions we face is how to manage stress.  So what did Jesus do?  This Sunday we’ll look at Jesus’ amazing stress management “technique,” as we continue our sermon series called “The Beauty Of Christ – Living In Me.”  Join us on Sunday and find some relief!

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