
Living Outside of Ourselves

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between those who go to heaven and those who don’t?  This week we’ll study a fascinating parable of Jesus that goes right to the heart of the matter.  It turns out, it’s a whole lot simpler and more subtle than you may have been told. Let’s focus […]

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God’s Core Passion

A bright sunny day lifts our mood.  A dark stormy day has the opposite effect.  The weather that surrounds us affects us profoundly.  Our understanding of who God is, and how God feels about us, can have the same effect.  It becomes the atmosphere that surrounds us and colors how we feel about all of […]

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God is Everywhere.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:20 that “I will be with you always.”  That’s God’s love language – Quality Time (Presence), Words of Affirmation, and Gifts (Blessings).  When we first enter into that relationship, we are excited when love is anew.  But as time lingers, events happen that swing our emotions to […]

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Taking My Relationships to the Next Level

Relationships are really hard.  Not just spousal relationships, but also relationships with children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, etc.  This Sunday we’re going to talk about some Biblical principles for growing the strength and quality of our relationships, as Pastor Jeff continues a series of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to […]

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Who Killed Jesus? — Suspect #4

This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series on “Who Killed Jesus?”  The goal in this series is to determine who bears ultimate responsibility for Jesus’ death.  So far we’ve considered three rather obvious suspects: Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, and Jerusalem’s institutional religious leaders.  Now our investigation takes an unexpected turn with a fourth suspect who […]

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The Gospel of the 3:16’s

Sin and Grace – those are two key words that Christians throw around a lot.  The word “sin” has been used as a club to beat us over the head, so we tend to want to avoid it.  The word “grace” sounds nice, but seems vague.  This week we’re going to tackle both words, exploring […]

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Can’t Spell AwesoME Without “ME”

Many Christians over the years perpetuate the negative message that we are not good enough.  Even though they say, ”Jesus came to save us,” there is this beat down that’s pervasive.  But, they also say, “This Jesus is only for certain people and not your kind (________fill in the blank.)” And the message sticks, and […]

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The Ups & Downs of Spiritual Life

This is a warning from the Emergency Broadcast System: As soon as you begin to gain momentum in your prayer life, something is sure to happen that threatens to disrupt it.  As the Scriptures say, “The devil is like a roaring lion, roaming about, seeking whom he may devour.”  This Sunday, as we continue our […]

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The One Thing God Cannot Do

This Sunday we will explore a great Old Testament story that is one of the weirdest in the Bible, yet offers profound insight about God.  Specifically, we’re going to learn the one thing that God cannot do.  (And it’s not what you think.)  Join us as we solve the mystery.

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The People I Love To Hate

Sometimes we encounter a person – or a faction of people – who do such bad things we can hardly keep ourselves from hating them, or at least burning with anger toward them.  In those times, what should we do?  Surely God doesn’t want us to just look the other way while they do bad […]

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Child, You Are Mine

Have you ever thought about how your formative experiences with your parents affect how you relate to God in the here and now? This Sunday, we’ll think deeply about that question. We’ll explore a prominent model for how parenting shapes our way of relating to those around us, including God – then compare that model to […]

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More Than A Pretty Name

Do you know why grace is so amazing?  It's more than a pretty name or the time the bank gives you when your mortgage is late.  Join us on Sunday to find out why grace is the greatest blessing of all. 

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