Jesus came to earth to inaugurate a new world order and, with that, to call each of us to an entirely new, other-worldly way of being. Jesus wants us to replace the world’s natural organizing principle with something radically different. Do you know what that is? Have you embraced it? Join us Sunday as we […]
Who has hurt you most in life? And how is that affecting you? In your life right now, who do you struggle to forgive? Forgiveness sounds good, but is hard to do – really hard. This week we’ll study a parable where Jesus shares insights that can help us get a lot better at forgiving […]
If you need more power in your life, join us this Sunday as we continue our study of the parables of Jesus. This week we’ll delve into the Parable of the Mustard Seed and learn a critical lesson about how the power of God works in our personal lives and in the world. If you […]
It’s one of the most celebrated days on the Christian calendar – full of pomp and ceremony, palm branches and pretend parades. But why? Why should I care? You could spend your whole life in church and never understand the personal significance of Palm Sunday. This Sunday we’ll fix that.
Many Christians over the years perpetuate the negative message that we are not good enough. Even though they say, ”Jesus came to save us,” there is this beat down that’s pervasive. But, they also say, “This Jesus is only for certain people and not your kind (________fill in the blank.)” And the message sticks, and […]
It’s one of the most oft-repeated and intriguing phrases found in the teachings of Jesus: You must be “born again.” When Jesus used those words, what did he really mean? This week we’ll dig deep – past the religious clichés, past bumper-sticker theology – to get to the bottom of the meaning of being “born […]
Have you ever known someone who kept talking about the same thing over and over and over again. Maybe baseball or politics or pets or music or video games. We’re all deeply passionate about something. And so was Jesus. This Sunday we will explore the topic that dominated his imagination from the beginning of his […]
For centuries, theologians knew there was once a book called “The Gospel of Thomas” that was lost in antiquity. Then in 1945, two Egyptian farmers accidentally unearthed a jar containing 13 leather bound books, one of which contained the complete manuscript of Thomas! It was a stunning discovery. What should we make of this Gospel […]
Granted, it seems like an unusual topic to discuss right after Thanksgiving. But the subject is much more practical than you think. On Sunday we’ll see if we can decode the mysterious mark of the beast and, most importantly, the practical life lesson it’s meant to teach us – not for some distant prophetic future, but right […]
When you pray, have you ever wondered if you’re “doing it right?” Have you ever thought, “There must be more to this. I must be missing something.” This Sunday we launch a new series exploring deep principles for prayer coupled with practical “how to” tips.
This Sunday we launch a new sermon series leading up to Easter called “Journey To The Cross.” Each week we’ll study a different Gospel passage that offers important clues as to why Jesus was killed – then consider the implications for how we should live our lives today as followers of Jesus. Join us for […]
This Sunday Pastor Jeff will launch a 4-week Christmas mini-series meant to remind us of the powerful, practical spiritual lessons embedded in the Biblical Christmas stories. This Sunday we’ll explore what each one of us shares in common with Mary, the mother of Jesus – how God is asking each of us to do, essentially, […]