
Built For This!

Here are two of life’s most important question.  Why am I here?  What’s my purpose?  Those are the questions we’ll tackle this Sunday, as we take a deep dive into a passage of Scripture that gives us an amazing, beautiful answer.

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The Measure of a Life

The Sunday we’re going to discuss an amazing fact about the life of Jesus that you’ve probably never considered before.  Yet this single fact offers us incredible insight into what it means to live a full, vibrant life following in the footsteps of Jesus.  Are  you ready for a thought-provoking conversation?

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The Problem of Fear

What are you most afraid of?  What causes the most fear in your life?  Fear is one of the biggest barriers to living a life that’s full and free.  So how do we overcome fear?  How do we become courageous people?  Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as we explore the intersection […]

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The Good Life

In your mind’s eye, what does “the good life” look like?  What are the essential ingredients that make life meaningful?  This week Jesus is going to tell us what he thinks about that, as we come to the fourth installment in our sermon series called “The Parables of Jesus: Eight Critical Life Lessons.”

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This Body of Mine

How well are you doing taking care of your health?  I know, I know, most of us don’t want to think about it.  Most of us feel a real tension between the challenge to caring for our bodies and the desire to enjoy life fully.  Should I eat that luscious piece of chocolate cheese cake […]

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Taking My Spiritual Life to the Next Level

On Sunday Pastor Jeff will share the first of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to the Next Level."  We'll begin this week by exploring how we can take our spiritual life to the next level.  Each of us will be invited to consider, "How am I doing spiritually?" and, "What […]

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Is There A Fifth Gospel?

For centuries, theologians knew there was once a book called “The Gospel of Thomas” that was lost in antiquity.  Then in 1945, two Egyptian farmers accidentally unearthed a jar containing 13 leather bound books, one of which contained the complete manuscript of Thomas!  It was a stunning discovery.  What should we make of this Gospel […]

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Master Your Money

Did you know that there’s an Old Testament book that appears in the Bible of half the world’s Christians that was written by someone named Jesus?  (Not the Jesus we know, but a great teacher who shared the same name and lived 200 years before our Jesus.)  This Sunday we’ll study that ancient book, taking special note […]

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The Most Important Sermon EVER

The most important sermon ever will be preached on Sunday at LifeJourney Church – not because of who preaches it and not because of how its presented, but because it will be about Jesus’ secret formula for living abundant life.  If you want to live your best life, join us on Sunday for the third installment in our sermon […]

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The Gift

At church this Sunday, an angel has a message specifically for you from God.  Don’t miss it!  Join us for our new Christmas sermon series – “Voices of Angels.”

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The With-Us God

When angels appeared to the shepherds, they announced “good news of great joy for all people.”  What was that good news, and why should I care?  This Sunday we’ll cut through all the Christmas glitz to get down to the core content of the good news the angels shared, dissecting each key word.  Sunday’s service […]

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