

All the demands of life, coupled with losses and disappointments, can easily cause us to shut off, shut down, and end up mindlessly going through the motions of life – numb and listless.  What can keep us fresh, give us hope, and renew our spirit?  That will be our topic on Sunday as we continue […]

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The ‘Baddest’ Mother in the Bible

This Sunday – Mother’s Day – we’ll wrap up on our sermon series on six of the “baddest” people in the Bible by studying the “baddest” mother in the Bible.  Granted, it’s an odd topic for Mother’s Day!  But it will lead to a fascinating conversation about what makes a really good mother – and […]

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Be Prayerful

This Sunday we wrap up our intensive study of The Lord's Prayer.  In that prayer, Jesus identifies THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT THINGS we can ever pray.   This week we’ll focus on the fourth prayer -- "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."  That way of praying seems counterintuitive.  Does God ever "lead […]

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Last week we began a deep dive into Jesus’ most famous prayer – The Lord’s Prayer.  In that prayer, Jesus identifies THE FOUR MOST IMPORTANT THINGS we can ever pray.   Do you know what they are?  This week we’ll study two of those four critical prayers.  If you want to make the most of life, […]

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How to Keep Your Sanity in a Mad, Mad World

Life is so full of stress and never-ending demands.  Do this!  Do that!  No, do this over here – and hurry up!  It never lets up – and in the process we become frazzled, stressed, and pulled in a million different directions.  For the next three weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, Pastor Jeff will do […]

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It’s what we all want.  For ourselves, others, and the world.  This Sunday we wrap up our sermon series on a famous Christmas prophecy describing who Jesus would be.  Our focus this week will be on the claim that Jesus is the “Prince of Peace.”  We’ll explore three core spiritual principles that can make the […]

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The Missing Link in Our Prayers

Did you know that there is something prayer can do for us that’s even more beneficial than the things we ask for and receive. Yet most people have never heard of this other aspect of prayer, let alone tried it. This Sunday we’ll talk about it, as we continue our sermon series based on the […]

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Jesus vs. Coronavirus

Ok, so maybe you chuckled at the title.  But this is serious.  All the anxious talk about coronavirus can be disorienting.  So much uncertainty.  If Jesus were here right now, what would he say to us?  Join us on Sunday for something practical that will actually lift you up and help you find the right […]

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Cultivating Stillness

There’s nothing more scarce in our modern world than stillness.  Life sweeps us along in a storm of sound and fury.  We get so busy, we sometimes don’t even know who we are – and might even be afraid to get to know who we are.  This week we’ll explore Brené Brown’s Guidepost No. 8 […]

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I Can See It In Your Face

Any stress in your life?  One of the most important practical questions we face is how to manage stress.  So what did Jesus do?  This Sunday we’ll look at Jesus’ amazing stress management “technique,” as we continue our sermon series called “The Beauty Of Christ – Living In Me.”  Join us on Sunday and find some relief!

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The People Around Us

Got any difficult people in your life?  If so, you need this Sunday's sermon.  On the cross, Jesus was surrounded by difficult people.  From his example, we'll learn how to better handle difficult people in our own lives.   

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