
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

What It Means To Be Church

This Sunday we celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the founding of our church!  Everyone is invited to our All-Church Picnic that will take place after the 11:00 o’clock worship service – bring a dish to share.  We’ll also be baptizing, inducting new members, and awarding anniversary membership pins during both worship services.  Sunday’s sermon will remind […]

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The Problem of Fear

What are you most afraid of?  What causes the most fear in your life?  Fear is one of the biggest barriers to living a life that’s full and free.  So how do we overcome fear?  How do we become courageous people?  Those are the questions we’ll grapple with this Sunday as we explore the intersection […]

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When Disaster Strikes

Life is chalked full of disasters – moral failure, job loss, divorce, injustice, bankruptcy, serious illness, death of a dream, death of a loved one.  Nothing can be harder on us – or our faith – than when disaster strikes.  So this Sunday we will consider what happens with faith meets disaster.  How can/should faith […]

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The Great Unknown

The Bible tells us, time and time again, that we should live by faith.  But what does that mean?  What does it look like at an operational level in our everyday lives to live by faith.  This Sunday we will begin a new sermons series exploring those questions.  Over the next two months we’re going […]

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The Illusion of Permanence

This week we conclude our sermon series on the Parables of Jesus by studying a story Jesus told about his second coming – when it will be, how it will happen, and how we should live in light of that.  You’ll be surprised at how much practical wisdom this parable offers for how we should […]

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God’s Core Passion

A bright sunny day lifts our mood.  A dark stormy day has the opposite effect.  The weather that surrounds us affects us profoundly.  Our understanding of who God is, and how God feels about us, can have the same effect.  It becomes the atmosphere that surrounds us and colors how we feel about all of […]

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A New Way of Being

Jesus came to earth to inaugurate a new world order and, with that, to call each of us to an entirely new, other-worldly way of being.  Jesus wants us to replace the world’s natural organizing principle with something radically different.  Do you know what that is?  Have you embraced it?  Join us Sunday as we […]

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The Battle We’re In

Life can be hard.  Often it feels like a million different challenges (large and small) are pressing hard against us, and we wonder how we’ll ever find the wherewithal to make it through.  This week we’ll explore a parable where Jesus offers his best advice for responding to life’s constant challenges, as we come to […]

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The Good Life

In your mind’s eye, what does “the good life” look like?  What are the essential ingredients that make life meaningful?  This week Jesus is going to tell us what he thinks about that, as we come to the fourth installment in our sermon series called “The Parables of Jesus: Eight Critical Life Lessons.”

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Who has hurt you most in life?  And how is that affecting you?  In your life right now, who do you struggle to forgive?  Forgiveness sounds good, but is hard to do – really hard.  This week we’ll study a parable where Jesus shares insights that can help us get a lot better at forgiving […]

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The Mystery of the Mustard Seed

If you need more power in your life, join us this Sunday as we continue our study of the parables of Jesus.  This week we’ll delve into the Parable of the Mustard Seed and learn a critical lesson about how the power of God works in our personal lives and in the world.  If you […]

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I Hate Weeds!

You’re probably thinking, “What kind of a title is that for a sermon?  What do weeds have to do with spiritual life?”  Join us Sunday to find out, as we launch a new sermon series called “The Parables of Jesus: 8 Critical Life Lessons.”  This week we’ll learn an awesome lesson from a parable Jesus […]

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