
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Responding to Anti-Trans Hate: WWJD?

This Sunday, for the second installment in our sermon series called “The Bible & Justice: What Love Looks Like in Public,” we will be challenged to think deeply about what Jesus would want us to do – individually and as a congregation – to respond to the huge surge in hate being directed at transgender […]

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Should We All Think Alike?

This Sunday Pastor Jeff begins a new sermon series called “The Bible & Justice: What Love Looks Like in Public.”  The goal of this series is NOT for one person (Pastor Jeff) to tell everybody what their detailed policy positions should be, but rather to identify core biblical values relevant to contemporary justice issues (like […]

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This Body of Mine

How well are you doing taking care of your health?  I know, I know, most of us don’t want to think about it.  Most of us feel a real tension between the challenge to caring for our bodies and the desire to enjoy life fully.  Should I eat that luscious piece of chocolate cheese cake […]

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God is Everywhere.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 28:20 that “I will be with you always.”  That’s God’s love language – Quality Time (Presence), Words of Affirmation, and Gifts (Blessings).  When we first enter into that relationship, we are excited when love is anew.  But as time lingers, events happen that swing our emotions to […]

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The Hand That Rocks The Cradle

Do you realize how much influence you have?  Who you are and what you do can make all the difference to the people around you.  Sunday is Mother’s Day, which is a great opportunity to remind ourselves of the power of our influence on the people around us – and the power of the people […]

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Why Mercy Matters

The Bible has SO MUCH to say about the importance of showing mercy.  On Sunday, Pastor Jeff will walk us through a deep dive on the subject.  We’ll explore three key questions:  What is mercy?  Why is it so important?  And how can I expand my capacity to show mercy?  Join us Sunday, and let’s […]

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How To Harness God’s Power

As we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power,” this week we will look at a resurrection story that tells us how we can harness God’s power in our lives?  The answer is going to surprise you.  Don’t live an underpowered life!  Join us Sunday, and let’s learn together!

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Your Secret Superpower

Did you know that you have a Secret Superpower?  Do you know what it is?  Are you actively using it?  These are the questions we’ll explore on Sunday, as we continue our sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power!” Don’t live an underpowered life!  Let’s learn together!

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When Never Meets Now

Last Sunday we began a new sermon series called “Living With Resurrection Power!” Each week for four weeks we are exploring a different spiritual principle that’s critical to our ability to live with resurrection power.  This week we’ll explore Principle No. 2.  Don’t live an underpowered life!  Let’s learn these principles and apply them!

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Rising With Christ

The Bible says that all who believe in Jesus have access the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.  But how do we make that real in our lives?  On Sunday, we launch a four-week sermon series called Living With Resurrection Power!  Don’t miss any Sunday in April as we explore four resurrection principles that could […]

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Meet Your Moments!

Join us for our Palm Sunday celebration, which marks the beginning of the most eventful week on the Christian calendar.  This Sunday we will study Luke’s account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, drawing power life lessons from three key actors in the Palm Parade.

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Have you ever heard the famous quote that says, “Preach the gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.”  But is it really enough to live the gospel without ever speaking to people about it?  And if we are supposed to speak up, how can we do so in a way that doesn’t turn […]

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