
Sermons prior to November 2015 may be found on the Sermon Archive Website.

Rising With Christ

The Bible says that all who believe in Jesus have access the same power that raised Jesus from the dead.  But how do we make that real in our lives?  On Sunday, we launch a four-week sermon series called Living With Resurrection Power!  Don’t miss any Sunday in April as we explore four resurrection principles that could […]

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Meet Your Moments!

Join us for our Palm Sunday celebration, which marks the beginning of the most eventful week on the Christian calendar.  This Sunday we will study Luke’s account of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, drawing power life lessons from three key actors in the Palm Parade.

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Have you ever heard the famous quote that says, “Preach the gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.”  But is it really enough to live the gospel without ever speaking to people about it?  And if we are supposed to speak up, how can we do so in a way that doesn’t turn […]

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You’ve probably heard the phrase “spiritual warfare.”  And you’ve heard about evil spirits, fallen angels, and demons.  What should thoughtful people of faith believe about such things?  Sunday’s scripture story from the book of Daniel will challenge us to wrestle with these questions, and Pastor Jeff will share how he makes sense of it all.

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ET Phone Home

You remember that iconic scene in the iconic ET movie, right?  ET is far from home and lonely – an alien in an alien land.  He’s desperate to phone home.  We resonate with ET’s experience because we sometimes feel like him – like we too are aliens on planet earth disconnected from our Source.  Sunday’s […]

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Game of Thrones

This Sunday Pastor Jeff resumes our sermon series on the Old Testament book of Daniel, as we explore a vivid story about a king who went mad and lost his throne, only to recover it again.  Why should we care?  Because there’s so much we learn from that king’s experience about how to find our […]

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Leaving It In God’s Hands

You've heard people say it before, "Just leave it in God's hands."  But that's easier said than done.  This Sunday we'll grapple with how we can do better at genuinely leaving our fears and worries in God's hands.  Sunday's service will also include extra special music as we celebrate Black History Month.  Don't miss this […]

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There Is Another In The Fire!

This Sunday, as we continue our sermon series on the Old Testament book of Daniel, we come to one of the most famous stories in the Bible – the Fiery Furnace – where three young people living in exile faced the most harrowing experience of their lives and, in the process, learned a transformational lesson […]

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Dream Weaver

This Sunday, as we continue our new sermon series on the Old Testament book of Daniel, we’ll explore an intriguing story about a strange dream King Nebuchadnezzar had and, in the process, learn something really important about how to access God’s guidance in our lives.  Do you have questions?  Do you face important decisions?  Then […]

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This Sunday Pastor Jeff launches a new sermon series based on the Old Testament book of Daniel.  Daniel contains some of the most colorful stories found anywhere in the Bible, each of them very relevant to our lives today.  This Sunday we’ll start with a story that challenges to think deeply about our sense of […]

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Jesus had a dream – a dream about what churches in his movement would look like.  Do you know where his dream is found in the Bible and what it entails?  This Sunday we’ll explore Jesus’ dream and grapple with whether we have the courage to fully live into it, step by step, collectively together.  […]

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Taking My Relationships to the Next Level

Relationships are really hard.  Not just spousal relationships, but also relationships with children, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, etc.  This Sunday we’re going to talk about some Biblical principles for growing the strength and quality of our relationships, as Pastor Jeff continues a series of four January sermons on the theme of "Taking My Life to […]

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